Legion Wiki
Legion Wiki
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Legion is an American television series based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name. We are a collaborative resource for fans of the FX show.

Season 3
Season 2
Legion: The World Killer
The Shadow King

Season 3

Season 3 of "Legion" began airing on June 24, 2019.

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Season 2

Rewatch the second season of the acclaimed FX show.

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Legion: The World Killer

Read all there is to know about the world killer himself.

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The Shadow King

Lurking in the shadows of David's world is Amahl Farouk.

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Season 3
Season 2
Legion: The World Killer
The Shadow King

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Legion, based on the Marvel Comics by Chris Claremont and Bill Sienkiewicz, is the story of David Haller (Dan Stevens), a troubled young man who may be more than human. Diagnosed as schizophrenic as a child, David has been in and out of psychiatric hospitals for years. Now in his early 30s and institutionalized once again, David loses himself in the rhythm of the structured regimen of life in the hospital: breakfast, lunch, dinner, therapy, medications, sleep. (Read More...)

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